Programs of Bhuma, The Forest school are designed around the three core ethics of permaculture namely Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. Our green education initiative enables us to live in tune with nature and not against it. This change must begin at an individual level therefore our programs are designed in a graded manner – we start with small things that are possible from day one itself.

These programs are aimed at all individuals (children, youth, young adults, families), corporates, social organizations who are consciously looking for solutions to heal Mother earth.

In depth program in which we deliver all that the forest school has to offer including sessions on financial literacy

Fully integrated permaculture farm and forest ecosystem is a must.

Spread over multiple sessions, we revisit 3R’s – Recycle, Reuse and Reduce. Then we talk about 6 more R’s – Refuse, Rethink, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose and Recover. And finally introduce them to the idea of Reimagine and Regenerate.

Knowledge Capsules and live webinars

Enriching activities based on the discussions and learning in the online sessions.

Paid visits to our forest school where we discuss “THE R LIFE” and give them a taste of our offerings.

Weekend residential program (Fri, Sat, Sun)

Key skill – how to develop and execute kitchen / roof top garden
Soil composition, planting in pots/grow bags, life cycles of plants and vegetables, jeevamrit, neemastra, bio-enzyme and compost

Yoga, meditation, mindful self compassion, introduction to permaculture, water audit, carbon footprint, sustainable and chemical free daily chores, games, documentaries, singing, dancing.

One week residential program specially created for Home schooling / unschooling families.

In-depth learning of all the skills. More fun and more learning

Specially curated for Schools/colleges

Time – During school hours